Bing Brings You Jay-Z’s Life ‘Decoded’

According to Mashable, Jay Z fans will be able to read pages from his new book, Decoded, this week. The book is not set to hit the shelves for another month, but fans will be able to find the pages in different locations on Bing, which will directly relate to the content from the book.

“Pages will be placed in locations related to the content, so that’s everything from high profile advertising like billboards to very very unique placements such as swimming pools and pool tables, and even high-fashion designer clothing racks,” says Lisa Gurry, a Bing spokeswoman and communications director.

This interactive marketing campaign was designed by creative agency Droga5 in conjunction with Bing and if sucessful, we could definitely see more of the same. Interestingly enough it looks like Bing is leveraging of Jay Z’s poularity to market itself as it struggles against Google for market share.

Read the full article here.

Source: Mashable

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